
The controller’s purpose is to interface an ONI hardware system with the host computer. It aggregates and routes device data and provides transparent access to all devices, independently of their physical location. The host also contains a common clock that is used to timestamp data from all devices, independently of their origin hub.

Communication between the controller and the host computer shall occur over four abstract communication channels:

  1. Read: Read-only, high-bandwidth stream of device output samples from controller to host.

  2. Write: Write-only, high-bandwidth stream of device input samples from host to controller.

  3. Signal: Read-only stream of short-messages and asynchronous hardware events from controller to host.

  4. Configuration: Bidirectional, addressed access to device registers.

API access to all these channels is blocking, i.e.: an API call that accesses any channel will not return until the requested transaction on that channel is complete. Concurrent access to a single channel by different threads is NOT permitted. However, channels are independent and concurrent access to different channels MUST be permitted. A stream transaction is defined as a blocking read or write of a set number of bytes, while a register transaction is defined as a single register read or write cycle to an individual address.

The required characteristics of these channels are described in the following sections. A complete understanding of their use during software development requires an understanding of the ONI API Documentation.

Read Channel#

  • Word size : 32 bits

  • Channel type : Stream

  • Direction : Read

The read channel provides high bandwidth communication from the controller to the host computer. Data from the read stream of all devices that support it is aggregated and multiplexed by the controller and sent to the host through this channel.

Data should be pushed to this channel as quickly as possible. It is the responsibility of the host computer to read data from the stream quickly enough to keep up with data production by the controller. Therefore, it is highly recommended that an ONI system implements some kind of internal buffering to ameliorate the effects of uneven reading times caused by computer operating systems or other software limitations.

Data Frames#

Data from the read channel is packed in frames. Each frame is a timestamped type-length-value-encoded structure that contains data from a single device sample. The frame format is:

uint64  Common_Timestamp
uint32  Device_Address
uint32  Sample_Size
var     Sample


  • Common_Timestamp: A counter common to all devices generated by the controller common acquisition clock.

  • Device_Address: The address of the device producing the data, as featured on the device table.

  • Sample_Size: The full size of the sample, and must be equal to the Read_Sample_Size field of the device descriptor.

  • Sample: The complete data sample as described on the device sample format section.

Write Channel#

  • Word size : 32 bits

  • Channel type : Stream

  • Direction : Write

The write channel provides high bandwidth communication from the host computer to the controller, and is used to send data to the devices.

Data is sent with a frame format identical to the one used for read, but without the Common_Timestamp field. It is the responsibility of the controller to accept frames at any rate the computer might be sending them. Currently, there is no defined mechanism to inform the host of any possible dropped frame on the write channel, although this can be included in an implementation so long as it does not invalidate any other ONI requirements.

Signal channel#

  • Word size : 8 bits

  • Channel type : Stream

  • Direction : Read

The signal channel provides a way for the controller to inform the host of configuration results, which may be provided with a significant delay. Additionally, it is the channel over which the controller sends the device table to the host following a system reset. Signal data MUST be framed into packets using Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS). Within this scheme, packets are delimited using 0’s and always have the following format:

... | PACKET_FLAG, data0, data1, ..., data_k | ...

where PACKET_FLAG is 32-bit unsigned integer with a single unique bit setting, | represents a packet delimiter (in this case, 0), “,” are for visual clarity and are not actually in the data stream, and ... represents other packets. This stream can be read and ignored until a desired packet is received. Reading this stream shall block if no data is available, which allows asynchronous configuration acknowledgment. Valid PACKET_FLAGs are:






Null signal, ignored by host



Configuration write-acknowledgment



Configuration no-write-acknowledgment



Configuration read-acknowledgment



Configuration no-read-acknowledgment



Device table start acknowledgment



Device descriptor instance

Following a hardware reset, the signal channel is used to provide the device table to the host using the following packet sequence:

... | DEVICETABACK, uint32 num_devices
    | DEVICEINST, uint32 dev_addr_0, device_descriptor dev_0
    | DEVICEINST, uint32 dev_addr_1, device_descriptor dev_1 |
    | DEVICEINST, uint32 dev_addr_n, device_descriptor dev_n | ...

Where dev_addr_n is the full address of each device as described in the device table section and dev_n is a device descriptor.

In addition to providing the device table following reset, the signal channel is also used to asynchronously acknowledge register access via the configuration channel. Following a device register read or write, an CONFIGWACK, CONFIGWNACK, CONFIGRACK, or CONFIGRNACK signal is pushed onto the signal stream by the controller to indicate the validity of the transaction. For instance, on a successful register read:

... | CONFIGRACK | ...

Configuration Channel#

  • Word size : 32 bits

  • Channel type : Register

  • Direction : Read-Write

The configuration channel supports addressed access to a set of configuration registers. There are two classes of registers handled by the configuration channel: the first set of registers encapsulates a generic device register programming interface. The remaining registers are for global controller control and configuration and provide access to acquisition parameters and state control.

The interface must use 32-bit values and, at least, 24-bit addressing. The required register map is as follows:





Device Address

Register interface


Register Address

Register interface


Register Value

Register interface



Register interface



Register interface








System Clock



Acquisition Clock



Reset Acquisition Counter



Hardware Address


Device Register Programming Interface#

The device programming interface allows transparent access to each device’s register map. It defines a general purpose bus that hides the specifics of any particular implementation. It is composed of the following configuration channel registers:

  • Device Address: The fully qualified address of a device as enumerated in the device table and to which communication will be directed as described below.

  • Register Address: The address of the register within the register map of the device located at Device Address that will be written to or read from.

  • Register Value: Value to be written to or read from and that corresponds to the register Register Address of device located at Device Address.

  • Read/Write: A flag indicating if a read or write should be performed. 0 indicates read operation. A value > 0 indicates write operation.

  • Trigger: Set > 0 to trigger either register read or write operation depending on the state of Read/Write. If Read/Write is 0, a read is performed. In this case, after a successful operation, Register Value is updated with value stored in the register at Register Address on the device at Device Address. If Read/Write is 1, Register Value is written to register at Register Address on the device at Device Address. The Trigger register is always set low by the controller following transmission even if it is not successful or does not make sense given the supplied register address and/or value.

Appropriate values of Register Address and Register Value are determined by:

Register Read Sequence#

When a host requests a device register read, the following following sequence must be performed:

  1. Check the value of Trigger.

    • If it is 0, the procedure can proceed.

    • Else, the hardware is busy with a previous transaction and a new one cannot be issued.

  2. The target device is selected by writing its address, as featured on the device map, into Device Address on the controller.

  3. The desired register address within the device register map is written into Register Address on the controller.

  4. The Read/Write register on the controller is set to 0x00.

  5. The Trigger register on the controller is set to 0x01, triggering configuration transmission.

    1. (Controller) A register read is routed by the controller to the appropriate device.

    2. (Controller) Trigger is set to 0x00 once the operation finishes.

    3. (Controller) CONFIGRACK is pushed into the signal stream if the operation was successful, CONFIGRNACK is pushed if it failed.

  6. The signal stream must be pumped until either CONFIGRACK or CONFIGRNACK is received indicating that controller has either:

    • Completed reading the specified device register and copied its value to the Register Value register.

    • Failed to read the register in which case the value of Register Value contains invalid data.

  7. If operation was successful, the Register Value can be read.

Register Write Sequence#

When a host requests a device register write, the following following sequence must be performed:

  1. Check the value of Trigger.

    • If it is 0, the procedure can proceed.

    • Else, the hardware is busy with a previous transaction and a new one cannot be issued.

  2. The target device is selected by writing its address, as featured on the device map, into Device Address on the controller

  3. The desired register address within the device register map is written into Register Address on the controller.

  4. The Read/Write register on the controller is set to 0x01.

  5. The Trigger register on the controller is set to 0x01, triggering configuration transmission.

    1. (Controller) A register write is routed by the controller to the appropriate device.

    2. (Controller) Trigger is set to 0x00 once the operation finishes.

    3. (Controller) CONFIGWACK is pushed into the signal stream if the operation was successful, CONFIGWNACK is pushed if it failed.

  6. The signal stream must be pumped until either CONFIGWACK or CONFIGWNACK is received indicating that the controller has either:

    • Successfully completed writing the specified device register.

    • Failed to write the register.

Following successful or unsuccessful device register read or write, the appropriate ACK or NACK packets must be passed to the signal channel by the controller. If they are not, the register read and write calls will block indefinitely.

Global Acquisition Registers#

The following global acquisition registers provide information about, and control over, the entire acquisition system:

  • Running: Set to > 0 to run the system clock and produce data. Set to 0 to stop the system clock and therefore stop data flow. Results in no other configuration changes.

  • Reset: Set to > 0 to trigger a hardware reset and send a fresh device map to the host. Devices are reset but their managed registers might remain unchanged, depending on their configuration (See the Device registers section for more information). Set to 0 by the controller upon entering the reset state.

  • System Clock: A read-only register specifying the master hardware clock frequency in Hz. This is the clock used by the controller to perform data transmission.

  • Acquisition Clock: A read-only register specifying the system common clock frequency in Hz. This clock is used to generate an acquisition counter that timestamps data from all the devices. The Common_Timestamp in the read frame header is incremented at this frequency.

  • Reset Acquisition Counter: This register is used to reset the counter generating the Common_Timestamp used in the device frames. A value of 1 will reset the counter to 0 without affecting the Running state. A value of 2 will reset the counter and, at the same time, set Running to 1, starting data production.

  • Hardware Address: This is used for systems that allow multiple controllers with a link between them to synchronize their Common_Timestamps. When resetting the acquisition counter through the Reset acquisition counter on a device with a Hardware Address of 0, this command will be sent through an external link to all non-zero devices, synchronizing the counters. Multiple controller support or hardware-based timestamp synchronization through dedicated links are optional features of an ONI system.