.. _faq: .. role:: raw-html-m2r(raw) :format: html FAQs ***** **What products are compatible with the Acquisition Board?** This `compatibility matrix `_ shows compatible products sold through the Open Ephys store. Any RHD2000-series headstages sold by Intan will work with the Acquisition Board. | **What are the analog and digital inputs and outputs?** `Here <_peripheraldevices>`_ is an overview of the various inputs and outputs that the board supports. | **How can I synchronise my electrophysiology data with a behavioural camera?** Check out this `tutorial <_ephyswithbehaviouralcam>`_. | **Where can I learn more about electrophysiology acquisition?** Open Ephys has developed a course on extracellular electrophysiology. You can follow the course through a Cajal Advanced Neuroscience training, or go through `the materials on your own `_. | **What is Open Ephys?** Open Ephys is an initiative that aims to advance our understanding of the brain by promoting community ownership of the tools we use to study it. This involves building designing open-source hardware and software, as well as making existing tools easier to access. Find out more `on the Open Ephys website `_!