.. _gwupdate: Gateware updates ========================================= Here are the files and instructions to update the Open Ephys FPGA module inside the Acquisition Board. .. note:: This is only for boards that use the new Open Ephys FPGA (Dec 2022 onwards). We always ship the boards with the latest version of the gateware and we don’t make changes to the gateware often, so you will typically not need to update it. Previous versions of the system that use the Opal Kelly FPGA do not require this. .. _gwupdate_latest: Latest version ------------------------- The latest available gateware is :download:`version 1.0 `. .. _gwupdate_instructions: Determining current gateware version --------------------------------------- In the Open Ephys GUI *************************** After dragging the ``OE FPGA Acquisition Board`` plugin to the signal chain, a message in the console will appear, with the current running gateware. .. image:: /_static/images/usermanual/gateware/GUI-message.png :width: 80% :align: center In Bonsai ********************************* After creating the ``Source/OpenEphys/AcquisitionBoard`` node, the properties at the right of the window will contain a ``GatewareVersion`` field. .. image:: /_static/images/usermanual/gateware/Bonsai-version.png :width: 30% :align: center If the version does not appear or appears as ``N/A`` when creating the node, it will be properly updated after acquisition starts. Instructions to update the gateware in case you don't have the latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. warning:: Do not attempt to update the board gateware while the GUI or any other software using the board is in use. Do not open any software that uses the board while an update is in process. #. Be sure that the :ref:`device drivers are already installed` #. Download the :ref:`gwupdate_latest` of the gateware #. Extract the contents of the file #. Connect the acquisition board to the computer via USB 3.0 and connect it to power using the power supply provided #. Run the updater * On Windows: Double click on the file ``UpdateFPGA_v1_0.bat`` * On Linux or Mac: Execute the file ``UpdateFPGA_v1_0.sh`` #. Wait a couple of minutes for the process to finish. .. note:: The programmer might appear frozen at some percentages, but it is working. In the rare case that something went wrong and it got stuck for more than **5 minutes** it is safe to try again, just by unplugging the board from power and usb, plugging it again and executing the updater. Notes on Mac ************************* Some security features on mac might prevent the updater from running. A message indicating that ``libftd3xx.dylib`` is not signed might appear. The steps to solve this are: #. Go to system settings #. Go to the Security and Privacy section #. Unlock the page by clicking on the lower-left padlock icon. It will ask for your password #. Near the bottom of the page, the library error will appear, click on allow #. Run the updater again, if a window appears, it will have an ``open`` option now