Table of Contents


A digital event produced by the ONIX breakout board.


Property Type Description
Buttons BreakoutButtonState

Gets the state of the breakout board's buttons and switches.

Moon = 1
Triangle = 2
X = 4
Check = 8
Circle = 16
Square = 32
Reserved0 = 64
Reserved1 = 128
PortDOn = 256
PortCOn = 512
PortBOn = 1024
PortAOn = 2048
DigitalInputs DigitalPortState

Gets the state of the breakout board's 8-bit digital input port.

Pin0 = 1
Pin1 = 2
Pin2 = 4
Pin3 = 8
Pin4 = 16
Pin5 = 32
Pin6 = 64
Pin7 = 128
Clock ulong

Gets the acquisition clock count.

Acquisition clock count that is synchronous for all frames collected within an ONI context created using CreateContext. The acquisition clock rate is given by AcquisitionClockHz. This clock value provides a common, synchronized time base for all data collected with an single ONI context.

HubClock ulong

Gets the hub clock count.

Local, potentially asynchronous, clock count. Aside from the synchronous Clock value, data frames also contain a local clock count produced within the oni.Hub that the data was actually produced within. For instance, a headstage may contain an onboard controller for controlling devices and arbitrating data stream that runs asynchronously from the AcquisitionClockHz. This value is therefore the most precise way to compare the sample time of data collected within a given oni.Hub. However, the delay between time of data collection and synchronous time stamping by Clock is very small (sub-microsecond) and this value can therefore be disregarded in most scenarios in favor of Clock.