ONIX and UCLA Miniscope v4 ****************************************************************** .. image:: ../../../_static/images/onix-miniscopev4.jpg This section outlines how to use Bonsai software to automate commutation of the coaxial tether between a UCLA Miniscope v4 mounted on a freely moving animal and ONIX. #. Follow the :ref:`quick_start` to ensure you can control the commutator using Bonsai. #. Install the **Bonsai.ONIX** Package from Bonsai's package manager. - Select Community Feed .. image:: ../../../_static/images/bonsai-community-feed.png :alt: Screenshot for selecting package source - Install **Bonsai.ONIX** .. image:: ../../../_static/images/install-bonsai-onix.png :alt: Screenshot for installing Bonsai.Onix .. Note:: You will not be able to open the workflow if ONIX is not already properly installed and connected #. Download, configure, and run the following Bonsai workflow for automating commutation using orientation data from the headstages’s on-board IMU sensor: .. raw:: html {% with static_path = '../../../_static', name = 'onix-miniscopev4-commutate' %} {% include 'workflow.html' %} {% endwith %} .. note:: Be sure to configure the **PortName** property of the **Commutator** node to reflect the port to which the commutator is connected. #. Run the workflow in Bonsai. If all above steps are correctly performed, the commutator will follow headstage rotations