.. _refproject: *********************************** Project *********************************** The idea of the project part of the course is for you to expand on a topic you find particularly interesting. You have the last hour of Thursday and 2.5 more hours of Friday to work on your project with the TAs available for help, and of course you can continue on your own in between. Either pick one of these projects or choose your own: - Turn on an LED when your muscle contracts - Synchronize frames from webcam with your EMG signal - Model a silicon probe and acquisition in the circuit simulator - Research and model in the simulator an intracellular electrophysiology acquisition system, e.g. current clamp. (these are next-level complicated) - Does your lab have an Open Ephys Board? Use that to start designing your next experiment. - Create an infographic of what you've learned this course - Outline and start designing an (open source) neuroscience tool you'd like to see - What is inside an operational amplifier that allows it to work? Model it in the simulator. - On your breadboard, build analog filters to extract specific frequencies. You can work together or alone. You have only a short time, so try to break your project down into steps, creating a series of achievements. That way you can show what progress you have made instead of getting overwhelmed.