.. title:: Home .. raw:: html
Open Ephys Logo
Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Logo
| These are the course materials for the Open Ephys course on Extracellular Electrophysiology Acquisition. This course consists of recorded lectures and hands-on electronics exercises, for which you will need some specific equipment. To follow this course, you can either: - Apply to the course, taught by the Open Ephys team to receive a NeuroKit and teaching through the Cajal Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme here: http://cajal-training.org/neurokit/ - Buy the tools yourself and work through the materials using this site. .. raw:: html
.. figure:: _static/images/EEA/box_logo.png :target: EEA/kitlist.html .. container:: custom-button :ref:`NeuroKit Equipment List ` .. raw:: html
.. figure:: _static/images/EEA/book_logo.png :target: EEA/eeadocsindex.html .. container:: custom-button :ref:`Reading and Exercises ` .. raw:: html
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :titlesonly: /EEA/kitlist.rst /EEA/index.rst