################################## Open Ephys Miniscope Documentation ################################## .. grid:: .. grid-item:: :columns: 5 :child-align: center .. image:: /_static/images/uclaminiscopev4-miniscopedaq-quick.svg .. grid-item:: :columns: 7 :child-align: center .. image:: /_static/images/uclaminiscopev4-data-clipped.webp ****************** Miniscope Overview ****************** .. todo:: make the below card look more like the other cards wrt where the title starts (fix aspect ratio of card's image) .. .. grid:: 4 .. grid-item-card:: Miniscopes Introduction :link: overview/index :link-type: doc :link-alt: link to description of miniscope concept :img-top: /_static/images/miniscope-hardware-software-stack.webp :img-alt: image of data acquisition hardware compatible with miniscopes :shadow: none :class-card: card intro-card sd-border-0 text-center :class-title: card-title sd-font-weight-normal :class-body: card-body flex-fill :class-img-top: card-img-top This is card content .. grid-item-card:: Data Acquisition Hardware :link: overview/data-acq-hardware :link-type: doc :link-alt: link to description of data acquisition hardware compatible with miniscopes :img-top: /_static/images/miniscope-daq.webp :img-alt: image of data acquisition hardware compatible with miniscopes :shadow: none :class-item: hover-zoom :class-card: card intro-card sd-border-0 hover-zoom text-center :class-title: card-title sd-font-weight-normal :class-body: card-body flex-fill :class-img-top: card-img-top wht what .. grid-item-card:: Data Acquisition Software :link: overview/data-acq-software :link-type: doc :link-alt: link to description of data acquisition software compatible with miniscopes :img-top: /_static/images/bonsai-miniscope-logos.webp :img-alt: image of data acquisition software compatible with miniscopes :shadow: none :class-card: card intro-card sd-border-0 .. .. grid-item-card:: Accessories :link: overview/accessories :link-type: doc :link-alt: link to description of accessories compatible with miniscopes :img-top: /_static/images/commutator-minicam.webp :img-alt: image of accessories compatible with miniscopes .. raw:: html
hardware user guide
Quick Start Guide

Learn the basic ins & outs on how to operate a miniscope.

user guide
User Guide

Learn more in-depth about how to acquire data with miniscope tools.

onix software guide
Miniscope Overview

Learn about the miniscope concept and the surrounding ecosystem of open-source hardware and software.

.. toctree:: :hidden: :titlesonly: overview/index ucla-miniscope-v4/index .. todo:: "coming soon"