########################################### FAQ & Additional Resources ########################################### .. , Troubleshooting ********************* FAQ ********************* .. & Troubleshooting For remaining unanswered questions, refer to the :doc:`/ucla-miniscope-v4/faq-troubleshoot-resources/faq` section. .. For troubleshooting, refer to the :doc:`/ucla-miniscope-v4/faq-troubleshoot-resources/troubleshoot` section. ******************** Additional Resources ******************** These resources are from the developers of the UCLA Miniscope v4: * `The UCLA Miniscope v4 Wiki `__ * `The 2021 Virtual Miniscope Workshop `__ These resources are for users of UCLA Miniscope v4 (and more broadly: users/developers of open source neuroscience equipment) to interact with the broader community: * `The official miniscope forum `__ * `The Open Ephys forum `__ * `The Open Ephys Discord `__ If this documentation and the above additional resources are insufficient for your needs and you are: * a current/prospective user of Open Ephys hardware * interested in contracting/consulting with Open Ephys please contact us at :email:`support@open-ephys.org`. .. toctree:: :hidden: :titlesonly: faq .. troubleshoot