################# UCLA Miniscope V4 ################# .. todo:: redo this figure - it bothers me how it freezes. also the miniscope's phase isn't monotonically increasing (look close at first 10-20 frames) .. image:: /_static/images/ucla-miniscope-v4-rotating.webp :alt: image of ucla miniscope rotating and example data :align: center .. The miniscope.... To learn about concept of a miniscope, refer to the :doc:`/overview/index`. To quickly start using the UCLA Miniscope v4, refer to the :doc:`/ucla-miniscope-v4/quick/index` To start acquiring data with the UCLA Miniscope v4, refer to the :doc:`/ucla-miniscope-v4/user/index` To learn how the UCLA Miniscope v4 works, refer to the :doc:`/ucla-miniscope-v4/developer/index`. *************************************** UCLA Miniscope v4 Features & Properties *************************************** .. todo:: format this better To compare the UCLA Miniscope v4 to other miniscopes sold by Open Ephys, refer to the :ref:`overview/miniscopes:Comparison Chart`. Mechanical Properties: * **Mass:** <3g * **Dimensions:** 14.5 × 18 × 22.5mm Optical Properties: * **FoV:** 1 × 1mm * **WD:** 675 ± 250µm * The dimension following the ± symbol refers to the WD's dynamic range from the UCLA Miniscope v4's electrotunable lens * The above specifications can be adjusted by reconfiguring the objective module * **GRIN Lens Compatiblity:** relay GRIN lenses (i.e. :math:`pitch = 0.5n, n=1, 2, 3...`) * **Spectral Compatiblity:** * Common green fluorophores such as GCaMP * Common red fluorophores such as jRGECO Sensor (Python480) Features: * **Adjustable Frame Rate:** 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 fps * **Adjustable Exposure:** three discrete levels (low, medium, and high) * **Bit Depth:** 10 * **Sensor Pixel Dimensions:** 608 pixels × 608 pixels Software Features: * **GUI Compatibility:** Bonsai GUI (recommended) or UCLA-Miniscope-DAQ-Software (deprecated) * Sensor settings and imaging depth adjustable through software * Real-time visualization and logging of orientation and image data **Additional Features:** * On-board orientation sensor (BNO055) .. toctree:: :hidden: quick/index user/index developer/index faq-troubleshoot-resources/index