################# Quick Start Guide ################# .. image:: /_static/images/focus-demo.webp :alt: image of ucla miniscope v4 in action The `Quick Start Guide` serves to familiarize yourself with and validate the functionaliy of the UCLA Miniscope v4 and associated hardware. For acquiring and analyzing data, refer to the User Guide (coming soon). .. include:: includes.rst :start-line: 2 :end-line: 4 .. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Miniscope-DAQ Quick Start Guide :link: /ucla-miniscope-v4/quick-start/miniscope-daq-quick :link-type: doc :link-alt: Miniscope-DAQ & UCLA Miniscope v4 Quick Start guide :img-top: /_static/images/miniscope-daq.webp :img-alt: photograph of miniscope-daq .. grid-item-card:: ONIX 2.0 Quick Start Guide :link: /ucla-miniscope-v4/quick-start/miniscope-daq-quick :link-type: doc :link-alt: Miniscope-DAQ & UCLA Miniscope v4 Quick Start guide :img-top: /_static/images/miniscope-daq.webp :img-alt: photograph of miniscope-daq .. For additional information on equipment and preparation required for data acquisition, please refer to the :doc:`/ucla-miniscope-v4/user/preparation/index` section of this documentation. .. toctree:: :hidden: :titlesonly: hardware software tutorial .. onix1-quick .. onix2-quick