##################################### Bonsai Installation and Configuration ##################################### If you have not already done so, #. `Download and Install Bonsai `__ #. Install the necessary Bonsai packages: #. Open Bonsai #. Open the `Bonsai package manager `__: .. grid:: .. grid-item:: :columns: 3 :child-align: center | From the Bonsai landing window, select | ``Manage Packages``. .. grid-item:: :columns: 9 .. image:: /_static/images/bonsai-landing-page-package-manager-button.webp :alt: screenshot of Bonsai landing window with *Manage Packages* text highlighted :align: left :height: 300 .. grid-item:: :columns: 10 :child-align: center :child-direction: row or .. grid-item:: :columns: 3 :child-align: center | From the Bonsai workflow editor, hover over the *Tools* tab in the top ribbon to reveal a drop-down menu, and left-click | ``Manage Packages...``. .. grid-item:: :columns: 9 .. image:: /_static/images/bonsai-workflow-editor-package-manager-button.webp :alt: screenshot of Bonsai landing window with *Manage Packages* text highlighted :align: left :height: 300 #. Select the *Browse* tab in the top ribbon: .. image:: /_static/images/bonsai-package-manager-browse-button.webp :alt: screenshot of Bonsai package manager with *Browse* tab highlighted :align: center :height: 400px #. Configure the *Package Source* field to *All* using the drop-down menu: .. image:: /_static/images/bonsai-package-manager-package-source-dropdown.webp :alt: screenshot of Bonsai package manager with the Package Source drop-down higlighted :align: center :height: 400px #. Download and install the required Bonsai packages: * Bonsai.StarterPack * OpenEphys.Miniscope.Bonsai For each one, search its name in the search bar, left-click its corresponding entry, and left-click the *Install* button. For example: .. image:: /_static/images/bonsai-starterpack.webp :alt: screenshot of Bonsai package manager with search bar higlighted :align: center :height: 400px Click the ``I Accept`` button when prompted.