################# Workflow Tutorial ################# .. note:: An Open Ephys Coaxial Commutator is necessary for this workflow #. Download the following workflow (.bonsai file) and open it with Bonsai: .. raw:: html {% with static_path = '../../../../_static', name = 'uclaminiscopev4-miniscopedaq-commutate' %} {% include 'workflow.html' %} {% endwith %} #. Set the ``UCLAMiniscopeV4`` operator's ``Index`` property to the value that corresponds to the index of your miniscope. .. grid:: .. grid-item:: :columns: 3 .. image:: /_static/images/uclaminiscopev4-properties.webp :align: center :alt: screenshot of ucla miniscope v4 node properties for index .. grid-item:: #. Set the ``Index`` value to 0 by editing the ``Index`` field that appears in the *Properties* pane after left-clicking the ``UCLAMiniscopeV4`` node. #. Test the selected ``Index`` value by starting the workflow [1]_ and double left-clicking the ``Image`` node. If the displayed video stream corresponds to that of your miniscope, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, increment the ``Index`` value by 1 and repeat this step. .. note:: A device index specifies a camera device. If there are additional cameras connected to your PC (including laptop webcams), finding the correct index value might involve an iterative trial-and-error process. #. Set the COM port associated with your commutator in the workflow * Left-click the ``Commutator`` node and edit the ``PortName`` property under the `Properties` pane to match the port that corresponds to your commutator. .. note:: If you are uncertain about which COM port corresponds to your , follow these instructions: #. Open Window's *Device Manager*. #. Unplug the commutator, and plug it back in. Observe which COM port disappears and appears in device manager when doing so - that is the COM port associated with your commutator. If the commutator does not appear in device manager, follow `these instructions `__ .. include:: ../../../quick/tutorial.rst :start-line: 94 :end-line: 95