######### Save Data ######### .. image:: /_static/images/uclaminiscopev4-miniscopedaq-savedata.svg :alt: image of workflow :width: 50% :align: center After following this tutorial, the user will be able to: * display real-time image and orientation/quarternion data from the UCLA Miniscope v4 * save image data and timestamped orientation/quarternion data from the UCLA Miniscope v4 .. todo:: - maybe we should use galleries here? - the plus: integrated within Bonsai, easy to use - the minus: idk how it work with regards to workflows that require external files - maybe this ends up being more work. people still have to download external files? - tie VideoWriter framerate to UCLAMiniscopeV4 programatically instead of manual .. toctree:: :hidden: hardware software tutorial description