The Open Ephys ShuttleDrive is an open-source, lightweight tetrode drive for use in freely moving mice. The small size and low center of gravity of the design also makes it possible to target off-center areas, or even to fit a drive implant under a microscope for simultaneous imaging and electrophysiology. The flexible recording array geometry allows recordings from multiple brain areas. Individual lowering of each electrode makes it possible to hit deep and small targets. The drive is easy to build, two or three drives can be built per day even with relatively little training. It accommodates arbitrary spatial arrangements of electrodes, and is compatible with a variety of recording systems.
This design is the successor to the flexDrive, and has improved build speed, robustness, size, and drive stability and linearity. The documentation for the flexDrive is available here.
Key features:
Up to 64 channels (16 tetrodes)
Weighs ~2 grams
Can be assembled in less than a day
4.5 mm travel distance
Fully enclosed mechanism
Low center of gravity
See this repo for a 256-channel, 64-tetrode drive optimized for use in rats.
Assembly instructions
How to build a ShuttleDrive
User manual
How to use the ShuttleDrive
Detailed characterization of the device
Buy parts
Link to the Open Ephys Store