Specifies the axis map sign of a Bno055 IMU
The axes of the Bno055 can be reconfigured to account for differences in its mounting position. The following values can be applied to the Bno055's AXIS_MAP_SIGN register at address 0x42 to mirror specific axes in the Bno055's coordinate system compared to the default directions presented on page 26 of the Bno055 datasheet.
Note that this setting is applied after the axis map specified by Bno055AxisMap and applies to the new axis definitions.
Field & Value | Description |
Default = 0
Specifies that all axes are positive (chip default). |
MirrorZ = 1
Specifies that Z' axis should be mirrored. |
MirrorY = 2
Specifies that Y' axis should be mirrored. |
MirrorX = 4
Specifies that X' axis should be mirrored. |