Automate Commutation#

The commutator’s remote control enables the user to interface the commutator with software to automate commutation during freely moving animal behavior experiments with minimal manual intervention.


Our docs demonstrate two ways to automate commutation:

  1. Using orientation data from a headstage. This requires a headstage or a miniscope that is capable of providing orientation data such as Open Ephys headstages with BNO055 IMU sensors.

  2. Using computer vision. This requires a computer with sufficient graphics processing capabilities and training a network to track your animal. Follow the Commutate with Computer Vision guide.


The above examples for automated commutation use Bonsai. Bonsai is open-source software for processing asynchronous, heterogeneous streams of data. To learn more about how to use Bonsai with our hardware, visit:

If you are unable to integrate the Open Ephys Commutator as described above, refer to the Remote Control guide to write your own script that writes serial commands to turn the commutator. If that is insufficient, try consulting the Developer Guide or contacting Open Ephys for help.