Status LED#
The LED on the front panel provides information about the operational state of the commutator:

Charging: Super-capacitors are charging. The commutator is effectively disabled, and can't be used until charging completes which can take up to 30 seconds.

Disabled: All controls, except the Stop/Go button or {enable: true} remote command, are ignored and the motor is locked. When the disabled status is entered, the motor is halted instantly. All commands (remote or manual) received during the disabled state are cleared such that they do not engage when the commutator is enabled.

Enabled: Remote and manual controls are unlocked.
The LED can be toggled off if it presents unwanted visual stimulus by pressing the LED button for > 0.5 seconds. The LED can then be toggled on by pressing the button again. Alternatively, the LED can be toggled on/off remotely using the {led: false} command