Data Acquisition Software#

Compatible software for acquiring data with the miniscopes sold by Open Ephys includes:


image of bonsai logo

Bonsai is an open-source, highly extensible, reactive, visual programming language. Open Ephys provides Bonsai packages and example workflows (Bonsai scripts) for interacting with all of the hardware that it sells, including miniscopes. To quickly start with your miniscope using Bonsai, follow the Quick Start Guide for your respective miniscope. To start acquiring data, refer to the User Guide for your respective miniscope. Although not necessary, it is highly recommended to study the Bonsai Language Guide before starting the User Guide.


image of miniscope logo


Miniscope-DAQ-QT-Software is deprecated and not supported by Open Ephys

Miniscope-DAQ-QT-Software is the software that the UCLA Miniscope team developed for acquiring data with the UCLA Miniscope v4. Refer to Aharoni-Lab/Miniscope-DAQ-QT-Software to learn about it.