UCLA Miniscope V4#

image of ucla miniscope rotating and example data

To learn about concept of a miniscope, refer to the Miniscope Overview.

To quickly start using the UCLA Miniscope v4, refer to the Quick Start Guide

To start acquiring data with the UCLA Miniscope v4, refer to the User Guide

To learn how the UCLA Miniscope v4 works, refer to the Developer Guide.

UCLA Miniscope v4 Features & Properties#

To compare the UCLA Miniscope v4 to other miniscopes sold by Open Ephys, refer to the Comparison Chart.

Mechanical Properties:

  • Mass: <3g

  • Dimensions: 14.5 × 18 × 22.5mm

Optical Properties:

  • FoV: 1 × 1mm

  • WD: 675 ± 250µm

    • The dimension following the ± symbol refers to the WD’s dynamic range from the UCLA Miniscope v4’s electrotunable lens

  • The above specifications can be adjusted by reconfiguring the objective module

  • GRIN Lens Compatiblity: relay GRIN lenses (i.e. \(pitch = 0.5n, n=1, 2, 3...\))

  • Spectral Compatiblity:

    • Common green fluorophores such as GCaMP

    • Common red fluorophores such as jRGECO

Sensor (Python480) Features:

  • Adjustable Frame Rate: 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 fps

  • Adjustable Exposure: three discrete levels (low, medium, and high)

  • Bit Depth: 10

  • Sensor Pixel Dimensions: 608 pixels × 608 pixels

Software Features:

  • GUI Compatibility: Bonsai GUI (recommended) or UCLA-Miniscope-DAQ-Software (deprecated)

  • Sensor settings and imaging depth adjustable through software

  • Real-time visualization and logging of orientation and image data

Additional Features:

  • On-board orientation sensor (BNO055)