Headstage-64 Workflow#

This example workflow shows how the data streams produced by Headstage-64 can be acquired and saved, as well as used for commutation. Each group workflow at the top level contains acquisition code for a different sensor on the headstage. Example Python and MATLAB scripts are provided to load the data produced by the workflow.

BNO055 9-Axis IMU

Absolute orientation measurement of the headstage along with a lot of other information

RHD2164 Ephys Chip

64-channels of extracellular electrophysiology input

TS4231 Lighthouse Receivers

3D position of the headstage in space when used with appropriate lighthouse setup.

Headstage Port Control

Control over the headstage port and connectivity status logging


This workflow does not demonstrate stimulation capabilities of the headstage. See ElectricalStimulationDevice and OpticalStimulationDevice for examples of how to control onboard stimulation.

Loading Scripts#

The following scripts can be used to load the data produced by this workflow in Python (using Numpy) or MATLAB: