Deprecated since version 1.2.13: Bonsai.ONIX is deprecated.

To use ONIX with Bonsai, refer to the documentation for OpenEphys.Onix1.

Getting Started#

Bonsai Learning Resources#



Bonsai crash course

Quick video describing basic Bonsai concepts and use

Bonsai’s learn page

Videos and links for understanding how Bonsai can be used to process data streams ranging from beginner to advanced use.

Bonsai’s docs page

Installation, package management, use guide. These pages also contain an overview of the reactive architecture at the core of Bonsai, and why it’s useful and powerful. It concludes with a guide on how to use the editor to create Bonsai workflows.

Bonsai user group

Bonsai’s Q/A forum with lots of useful examples and solutions for various common (and uncommon) acquisition scenarios.

ReactiveX operator definitions

Detailed information on many of the reactive operators you will find in Bonsai’s Reactive package, especially in the “Combinators” grouping

Accessing Bonsai.ONIX Documentation#

  1. If an ONIX node does not have a configuration GUI (e.g. like HeartbeatDevice), then double clicking the node will bring open its documentation page in your default browser.

  2. If an ONIX node has a configuration GUI (e.g. NeuropixelsV1Device), then there will be a Documentation link on that will open the node’s reference page in your default browser.

    ONIContext configuration GUI showing documentation link.

Bonsai.ONIX Tutorial#

Have a look at the following video shows how to use ONIX hardware with Bonsai.