Headstage Neuropixels 1.0e Workflow#

This example workflow shows how the data streams produced by Neuropixels-1.0e Headstage can be acquired and saved, as well as used for commutation. Each group workflow at the top level contains acquisition code for a different sensor on the headstage. A probe visualizer is included.


Bonsai workflows that contain the NeuropixelsV1eDevice node such as this one will not open/load unless the headstage is on. Make sure to configure the headstage port voltage and mode correctly using the ONIContext node with the parameters for the Neuropixels-1.0e Headstage before connecting the headstage. This example is programmed to use a headstage on Port A, so it will only work in that configuration.

BNO055 9-Axis IMU

Absolute orientation measurement of the headstage along with a lot of other information

Neuropixels V1.0e Device

384 channels of extracellular electrophysiology input from 960 selectable neuropixels 1.0 probe electrodes


Remember to configure the probe as described in NeuropixelsV1eDevice. To save data, remember to configure and enable the appropriate workflow nodes.

Loading Scripts#

The following script can be used to load the data produced by this workflow in Python (using Numpy):