Hardware Connections#

Gather Required Materials#

photograph of SMA plug going into Miniscope-DAQ SMA jack

The required materials include:

  • Coaxial SMA plug ↔ U.FL plug tether

  • USB3.0 Micro Type B plug ↔ Type A plug cable

  • Miniscope-DAQ

  • UCLA Miniscope v4

  • PC with USB3.0 & Windows 7 or later

Connect Hardware#

  1. Disconnect any previously connected hardware from Miniscope-DAQ and UCLA Miniscope v4.

  2. Connect only the following hardware for this guide:

    1. Connect Miniscope-DAQ to the UCLA Miniscope v4 using the provided coaxial SMA plug ↔ U.FL plug tether:

      1. Insert the cable’s SMA plug into Miniscope-DAQ’s SMA jack labeled Miniscope. Gently hand-tighten the SMA connector until the connector no longer turns:

        photograph of SMA plug going into Miniscope-DAQ SMA jack
      2. Insert the cable’s U.FL plug into UCLA Miniscope’s U.FL jack. Confirm that a click is felt and heard before proceeding from this step:

        photograph of U.FL plug going into UCLA Miniscope v4 U.FL jack
    2. Connect Miniscope-DAQ to your computer using the provided USB3.0 Micro Type B plug ↔ USB3.0 Type A plug cable:

      1. Insert the cable’s USB3.0 Type A plug into your computer’s USB3.0 Type A jack:

        photograph of usb plug going into computer usb jack
      2. Insert the cable’s USB3.0 Micro Type B plug into the Miniscope-DAQ’s USB3.0 Micro Type B jack located on the Miniscope-DAQ’s back face:

        photograph of usb plug going into miniscope-daq jack

Confirm that all three indicators on the miniscope-DAQ are illuminated before proceeding from this step as indicated in the above photo.