Workflow Description#

Please refer to the Bonsai Language Guide to develop a foundation in Bonsai before proceeding.

Produce UCLA Miniscope v4 Data#

screenshot of uclaminiscopev4 node boxed
  • The UCLAMiniscopeV4 node represents a UCLAMiniscopeV4 operator. The UCLAMiniscopeV4 operator is a source operator as indicated by its node’s green color and the orientation of its grey arc. Source operators produce data.

  • The UCLAMiniscopeV4 operator’s output (Bonsai.Miniscope.V4Frame) has four members. They can be accessed by right-clicking the UCLAMiniscopeV4 node and hovering the cursor over the Output option in the pop-up menu. Left-clicking on one of these members automatically places a new MemberSelector nodes. These nodes can also be placed by searching modules in the search bar in the Toolbox pane or the using the Ctrl+E hotkey.

  • The MemberSelector operators are transform operators as indicated by the nodes’ blue color and lack of grey bar. Transform operators transform data. The MemberSelector operator transforms data by selecting one or multiple members of its input to output.

  • In this workflow, Quarternion, FrameNumber, and Image members are selected from Bonsai.Miniscope.V4Frame to be passed to two divergent branches.

Save Image Data#

screenshot of uclaminiscopev4 node boxed
  • The Image node connects to a VideoWriter node. The VideoWriter operator writes data to a video file according to settings in the Properties pane that appears after left-clicking the VideoWriter node.

  • The VideoWriter operator is a sink operator as indicated by the node’s purple color and the orientation of its grey arc. A sink operator saves data or triggers external events.

Save Timestamped Quarternion Data#

screenshot of uclaminiscopev4 node boxed
  • The FrameNumber, Quarternion node connects to the Timestamp node. The Timestamp operator appends timestamps to items that are emitted by the upstream operator.

  • The Timestamp node connects to the CsvWriter node. The CsvWriter operator writes data to a csv file according to settings in the Properties pane that appears after left-clicking the CsvWriter node.

To continue learning using the UCLA Miniscope v4 and Miniscope-DAQ in Bonsai, refer to the Trigger Workflow Description