RHS2116 Headstage#

ONIX rhs2116

The RHS2116 Headstage is a serialized headstage for small animals with 32 bi-direcional channels which each can be used to deliver electrical stimuli. The RHS2116 Headstage can be used with passive probes (e.g. silicon arrays, EEG/ECOG arrays, etc) using a 36-Channel Omnetics EIB.


  • Two RHS2116 ICs for a combined 32 bi-directional ephys channels

  • ~1 millisecond active stimuls artifact recovery

  • Max stimulator current: 2.55mA @ +/-7V compliance.

  • Sample rate: 30193.2367 Hz

  • Stimulus active and stimulus trigger pins

  • On-board Lattice Crosslink™ FPGA for real-time data arbitration


RHS2116 headstage uses two 16-channel Intan RHS2116 bioamplifier chip. The chip is operated at a fixed sampling rate of ~30 kHz/channel. These 32 ephys channels are exposed via a 36 pin Omnetics connector at the edge of the headstage and can record from most passive probes (e.g. tetrodes, silicon probe arrays, tungsten microwires, steel EEG wires, etc.) as well as stimulate.

Bill of Materials#


Have a look at the Headstage Voltages page for more details on probing and verifying headstage power voltages